De quoi parler pour récupérer son ex

What to talk about to get your ex back?

It’s never easy to get your ex back, especially if the separation was difficult. However, if you think you still have feelings for your ex-girlfriend and you’re sure you want her back, learn how to approach her again first. What should you say to her to get her to start dating you again?

Admit you’re wrong, say you’re sorry

Everyone wants to be right and for someone to get back together with you, you will probably have to swallow your pride and admit that you are wrong. It’s one of the best ways to get someone’s attention, to make them understand that they were right and you weren’t. It is also a way of recognizing your share of responsibility in this breakup, regardless of its main reason. Indeed, you had your role to play in this story whether there was deception or boredom set in in your relationship. Admitting your mistakes, even the smallest ones, will help reopen the dialogue between the two of you.

Say what a good partner she was

If you want your girlfriend back in your life, remind her what a good partner she was. Flatter his ego by reminding him of beautiful memories spent together! Compliment her on the qualities that made you two together during this time, however short it was. If you can’t think of any compliments to give, maybe you should think about forgetting her, because nothing about her really stood out to you. If not, she definitely did something right to make you want her back. Perhaps he was an understanding, sensual, generous person, etc. ? Tell him things like:

  • “You are the only woman who knows how to please me. »
  • “You’re the only one who really understands me. »
  • “You have always supported me in the difficult times of my life. »

In short, the idea is for her to know what she really means to you. However, be honest, don’t lie. Additionally, compliment her on what has changed in her now, whether it’s her new haircut, better fitness, her new look. Let him know you like what you see.

Tell her how much you miss her

Tell him how much you miss his presence in your life. Be very specific in letting him know what you really miss about him. For example, it could be their laugh, their smell, their look, their face, their sense of humor or something else. Tell him things like:

  • “I miss our morning cuddles! »
  • “I miss your pretty smile. »

In doing so, you might repair his or her perhaps damaged self-esteem. Also, let him know that you miss your times together. This will give him a feeling of worth and being needed which could lead him to take you back.

Tell him you still love him

Finally, and most importantly, let him know that you still love him. Tell him this, because this is perhaps one of the most important things to do when it comes to what to talk to your ex about to get him back. A simple: “I still love you” goes a long way.

And you, have you ever gotten an ex back? What did you talk about?

Notez-Moi !

Willy Author